


独特的人才值得独特的投资. 这就是泰勒·舒尔(朔伊尔泰勒, 17届)的遭遇。, who discovered as a kid that he could do something most people couldn’t. People at PBA believed in him and walked with him step-by-step as he learned how to build a business that could delight a crowd while putting him in the driver’s seat of success.


我是一个艺人. I have an act where I balance a variety of items on my nose and chin, 比如熨衣板, 自行车, 手推车, 和梯子, while at the same time I dance to music and engage the crowd. I am mostly hired for basketball halftime shows and minor league baseball in-game entertainment. For basketball, I have a 6 minute performance that I do between the halves. 棒球更深入一些. For baseball, I have 5 different 90 second on-field performances that I do between innings. During these on-field shows, I balance ironing boards, 自行车, 手推车 和梯子. Sometimes I dance with baseball players while balancing a chair. I also have a 7th inning contest where one lucky fan can join me on the field to try to win a prize. If the fan can throw a ball and knock down a bat that I’m balancing on my nose, they win! 当我不在场上的时候, I’m in the stands interacting with fans by having them challenge me to balance something of their own, 比如太阳镜, 帽子, 手机,甚至冰淇淋甜筒.

What professional experience(s) did you have prior to your current job role?

The first question people always ask me is: “How did you discover you had this talent?” I discovered I could balance things on my face when I was 11 years old. I was bored one day at baseball practice, and I balanced a baseball bat on my nose. From there, I did local talent shows where people really enjoyed my act. I turned my act into a halftime show at 16, when I performed at The Palestra in Philadelphia.


Graduates of the Physical Education program at PBA go on to do a lot of things—even own an entertainment business. With support inside the department and all over the college, 学生可以发现他们的激情和才华, 开始过他们被选择的生活.


What do you know now that you wish you had known about being a working professional?

每个人都很忙,有很多事情要做. When I first started out, I would get frustrated when people wouldn’t call or email me back. 然后我意识到我需要耐心. 你不可能一夜之间得到100个节目. 给别人时间. For some teams, it took me 4 years to finally perform for them. Reach out, give it some time, and send a reminder email/postcard. If they don’t respond after a couple of reminder emails or voicemails, reach back out next year.



The staff in the 职业发展 office was so instrumental in my success. They helped me turn what were a few shows here and there into dozens of shows. Because of their help, I was able to turn a part-time job into what is now my full-time career. They were so generous with their time and treated me like family. I was mentored and was given some brilliant ideas to help me grow as an entertainer.

其次,我要感谢. 蒂莫西拉德. Although Jennifer was the one with a lot of the great ideas, Dr. 拉德 was the one who continuously encouraged me to follow my dreams. Dr. 拉德 is a big believer of following your dreams and doing what you love, which is why I truly enjoyed visiting him in his office. Dr. 拉德 was actually the person who told me to talk to Jennifer, 所以如果没有Dr. 拉德. I really believe if everyone had a Tim and Jennifer in their life, 这个世界将是一个神奇的地方.

What advice would you give to current PBA students and/or young alumni who are about to start their first professional full-time job?

努力建立关系. 以人为本,而不是金钱. 如果你努力建立人际关系, your job will become easier because you work with people that like you. 如果你的目标是钱, putting people first will eventually make you more money, because the people around you will want to help you and see you succeed.



从PBA开始的事情不会在这里结束. Openness to learning and asking for support is part of the recipe for success that you learn as a Sailfish. Both receiving help and giving it are always the building blocks of a community that works together to make a lasting impact.


Have you been mentored by anyone in your professional field since entering the workforce? 如果有,这对你有什么影响?

The great thing about the entertainment business is how friendly the other performers are. I have been able to grow my relationship with a handful of other halftime and baseball performers- most of which are actually my competition. These people don’t look at you as a competitor stealing their shows, but more like a friend who shares the same interest as they do. One person I’d like to recognize in particular is an entertainer named Jeremiah Dew, aka JDew. 一见到他, JDew instantly began pouring out knowledge that he had gained throughout his entertainment career, and gave me pointers on things that he wished he would have done when he started. Additionally, JDew gave me tons of advice on how to make my show the best possible. To this day, we stay in touch and he continues to give me advice. JDew is another firm believer of “putting people in front of the sale.”

Some other performers that I would like to acknowledge that gave me advice along the way are Mad Chad, 史蒂夫·麦克斯和杂耍乔什.

重点报道于2017年10月发布. 有关Tyler的最新消息,请访问 www.amazingtyler.com 和他的 LinkedIn or Instagram 页面.
